


my feelings, 11/1/12

the only word i can use to describe my class, i mean the class on form 4, is the word WEIRD. none of them is normal...

the first impression of mine to them----WEIRD...
do you ever seen people reading sejarah books during recess or even the time when we waiting for the teacher? 
that sounds weird right? 

last time when i was in 3a6, during free time, NOISE will spread all over the world... 
jokes, discussions and so on..... but we won't read sejarah!!! 
what the world is becoming now?! @@
WEIRD.... !!!!

and the class now, is COOL... 
almost all of the malay girls, QUIET!!! 
weird class...
even when i try to communicate with them, they will give me a weird eyesight, and their eyes told me that " why are you talking at me?" 
what's your problem?!!! 
what mode is the class on, i'm quite disgusting with it... 

then, i met few NOISY malay girls in my class too.... 
still WEIRD... they are on their weird mode... which makes me more confusing...
when talking with them, they will see one another among themselves, then laugh as weird as they could, and then, making u feel that you are an alien.... 
(emo) I'm an alien?? @@?!

WEIRD class!! 

and then, today i met a few non-gentleman people in my class!! 
how can a boy snatch a girl's place, 
since the girl is the first people who reach the place?!!! what the hell?!!
how can i forgive this kind of people? 
are they considered as people? 
are they guys? 

overall, i miss my class so much.... 
i mean the old one...
they were so sweet.... 
so polite, so gentleman, so nice, and so crazy!!! 
i wish that i can change my class again.... 
i hate that guy! 


可不可以 保存那份对我的爱 到未来?

以前可以娇纵任性 现在不能了
现在好想你 远方的你 离别真的是为了体会重逢有多温暖吗?
怎么我觉得没了你的世界 好像空了?
多了你一个 我的世界就变得刚刚好

远远的看着 远远的祝福
偷偷的在心里怒吼 不要忘记我曾经住在你心里
我很自私 很想把那一刻留住
那一刻 你说爱我 当时我不以为意 因为我不曾想过会分离

看着你 我无言以对
这一次 不再是因为不言而喻
这一次 因为 太多的话语说不出 口
一颗心的距离 两个人还在一起?
分离 让我成长

可以不可以 把那种感觉保存着?
这一次 你说爱我 我不会再逃避
不要忘记 你爱我 可以吗?

可以承诺 我是你的唯一 到永远吗?



